Natural Hair Growth Tips That May Shock You

Natural Hair Growth Tips

We all are so different from each other. We have different skin type and have a different solution for different skin related problems. The same thing can be apply for our hair. When it comes to our hair & hair extensions, we all make the same mistake. We follow some recommendations for our hair problems without knowing about our hair type and hair problem. And sometimes it can increase our problem rather than solving it.
Just like different skin tones and types, hair also has different types and of different structure. As the same way for different hair problems, there are various solutions.
Changes in atmosphere and weather are creating more problems to maintain our hair’s health. And all over the world at

different places, there is one common problem that has be found and that’s hair growth-related issues. Here we will give you some common tricks and tips that people with any hair type can follow to increase hair growth. So let’s get started.

1) Get frequent trims

Natural Hair Growth Tips

I know some people will be surprised after hearing this. Most people would say it doesn’t make sense to cut your hair if you are trying to get it to grow. But, trust me it will affect your hair growth. Unhealthy split ends must be cut for healthy hair growth. You’re probably thinking to yourself, how can it be possible, our hair grows from the scalp, how can this be related? So, let’s see how can it affects our hair growth.

We’ve all may suffer from this problem, unhealthy spit ended hair is tangling a lot. When you detangling with a comb, it will pull hair from roots, so if your hair is strong from the roots then, it will break from the middle or sometimes it will pluck your hair from the roots. A head of hair that is full of spit ends can create more obstruction in hair growth.

So, regular trimming will eliminate split ends and, your hair will have less breakage and flyaway, making it look thicker and even shinier. Trim your hair after every 3 months for healthy hair growth. It will also improve you’re the overall structure of your hair.

2) Avoid daily shampoo

When you wash your hair daily it will not only clean your scalp but, it will also reduce natural oil from your scalp. Like our facial skin, your hair scalp also has its very own natural oil and, it’s necessary for the growth of healthy hair. Daily shampoo will completely remove this oil from your scalp and, as a result, your hair will become drier and will break easily.

Consider shampooing your hair two to three times a week instead. However, if you feel that you need to cleanse your hair try a dry shampoo or a co-wash.

3) Avoid heat styling tools

Heat styling tools are the real enemy of our hair.

Heat styling tools will damage your hair like hell. It will ruin its natural texture and, as a result, we have to suffer from hair loss. Hair styling tools will make your hair weaker and, you will may even suffer from hair loss.

Those tools will cause huge damage which damage can’t easily heal. So keep trying to avoid them if you want to rescue your hair or you want a long and healthy hair.

4) Wash your hair with cold water

Some people use hot or extremely hot water to wash their hair, especially in winters. It will damage your hair. Hot water will remove your hair’s natural oil and your hair will become dryer and brittle. Hot water can even ruin the texture of your hair. And this hair damage can result in hair loss.

So instead opt to wash your hair with cool water or lukewarm water.

5) Avoid brushing wet hair

Your hair will be extremely weak and fragile when it is. When brushing your hair while its wet to detangle can cause breakage from the roots. So, avoiding brush your wet hair or, you can brush your hair before hair wash or hair oiling.

6) Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase

When we are doing so many things for our hair’s healthy growth then why should we not take care of it while sleeping during the night hours, right? Silk is the only fabric that helps to keep hair tangle-free while sleeping. Using silk or satin fabrics can help you avoid that unwanted breakage of your hair and keep your hair healthy looking and tangle-free hair.

So, use a silk pillowcase to avoid hair damage during the night while your hair is contacted with your pillowcase for more than 6 hours. Which can be enough time to damage our hair or an opportunity to give your hair the extra care that’s needed overnight.

  • Take care of your scalp

It’s not enough to take care of our hair and its texture you should also be taking care of your scalp if you want to see the visible result or you want to see healthy looking hair. ‘Healthy roots are the first step to make a head of healthy looking hair’. So don’t ignore the scalp. It’s important to keep scalp dirt, oil and dead skin cells free. Gently massage the scalp with your figure tips while shampooing to get the dirt out. And most important not rub the scalp hard, because you may be pulling out hair strands from roots.

You can also use scalp mask but make sure they are chemical free or, you can choose total organic way by choosing fresh Aloe Vera gel. Apply the Aloe Vera gel on the scalp and after 30 minutes wash your hair. It can use for any hair type. It will help you with hair fall problems too.

7) Avoid harsh chemicals

Products with the harmful chemicals and chemical-based hair treatments can seriously mess with the natural structure of your hair. So try to use chemical-free products and choose natural products instead.

8) Eating healthy

The health of your hair does not only depend on how you treat it and, taking care of it, but it will also depend on your internal health. Protein is the main essential for healthy looking hair so eat food which contains lots of protein like eggs, dairy, nuts, fish etc.

So these are some simple hair tips and tricks to get healthy hair and will aid in speedy hair growth. Your hair also needs extra care just like your skin so don’t forget to give it the nourishment it needs. Keep in mind the more you take care of hair the healthier it be, which in turns will make you look and feel beautiful and healthy too.

About the Author
Candice Hall is the Marketing Manager of Dynasty Goddess Hair, with a factory in Thailand & Office and Shipping Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, they are one of the top retailers in Virgin Remy Hair Extensions in the USA.

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