3 Fashion Tips for Glasses Wearers

Tips for Glasses Wearers

When you wear glasses, you may worry about how they can affect your appearance. While some people may opt for contact lenses instead, your prescription may not allow for this, or you may simply not like the idea of something touching the eye itself. If you need to wear glasses regularly, you can instead find ways to remain stylish without needing to compromise on your eye care. Here are some easy tips for glasses wearers.

Glasses are now deemed as a lot more ‘cool’ than they once were. A lot of people even opt to wear clear lensed glasses just because they like the look so much! And with all the different styles and smart technology revolutionising the industry, it’s not surprising.

Whether you are looking for transitional lenses, blue-light blockers or even bifocals, you’re sure to find something that suits you and your lifestyle perfectly.

Read on for three fashion tips to help you look your best when sporting your glasses.

Check the Fit

Tips for Glasses Wearers

One of the first things that can affect how fashionable you look when wearing glasses can be their fit. You may have had them altered upon purchase, but over time the screws and hinges do have the potential of coming loose.

Rather than taking them back to your optometrist, you could instead make sure your glasses fit by educating yourself on where they should sit, how they should feel, and the ways they can be tightened. Of course, if you lose a screw, you may need to seek help from a professional to have them repaired.

Poorly fitting glasses not only detract from your style, but may affect the ways they help your eyes, and also make it more likely for them to become lost, or even damaged further. Just like any fashion item, if the sizing is wrong, you’re likely to feel uncomfortable and it just won’t look right. Don’t rush into a purchase, make sure the fit is perfect.

Try Before You Buy

Tips for Glasses Wearers

While you can buy frames online, you may first want to try some on. Spending a bit of time in front of a mirror, trying out different styles and colors, can help you to figure out which suits your facial structure and complexion. A set of frames that looks good on one person may look absolutely atrocious on another.

Once you have figured out the colors and styles that help to enhance your face, you could then very well order your frames online, keeping close to those that you loved wearing during your test.

Many websites even allow you to virtually try new glasses on to see if they fit your face (see EyeBuyDirect). All you have to do is upload a photo of your face – or you can opt to do it live via your camera.

The smart technology can then illustrate to you how different frames would look on your face. This makes the whole process so much easier than you having to sift through countless shelves in person. With the ‘try on’ feature, you don’t even need to leave your home!

Keep Your Glasses Clean

Tips for Glasses Wearers

Whether you have spent a small amount of money on cheap frames, re-used those that you bought previously, or forked out a large sum for designer frames, they all have one thing in common – no set of glasses will look stylish if they are dirty. Dirt and debris, including dandruff, can build up on them throughout the day.

Alongside this, the areas that touch your face may end up greasy, especially if you have an oily skin type. Keeping your glasses case to hand, with the special cleaning cloth inside, will allow you to give them little touch-ups throughout your day.

Another way of keeping your glasses clean, which should be possible wherever you are, is to run them under lukewarm water, with a mild dish soap, then polishing them off with a soft paper towel. That way, they will remain clear to aid your vision, and help you to continue looking neat and sophisticated.

As well as looking better, by taking care of your glasses they are likely to last you longer and you will be able to see much more clearly. It only takes a matter of seconds to give them a quick wipe, so try to remember to do so each day to keep them in optimum condition.

Wearing glasses does not mean that you can’t look fashionable. Instead, you may want to consider the best ways that your glasses can enhance your look, as well as how to maintain them as you would with any other item of clothing or accessory.

The more fashionable you feel with your specs on, the more confident you are. Embrace your look, find the most suitable set that fit perfectly and will make you look great, take care of your frames, and get ready to take on the world!

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