How to Look After Your Jewellery: Tips for Proper Care

How to Look After Your Jewellery

Looking after your jewellery correctly ensures that it stays in tip-top condition so that you can keep wearing and enjoying it for many years to come. Though most of us will own jewellery, not everyone is aware of how best to take care of it, meaning pieces can often become tarnished over time. These tips will help you keep your jewellery sparkling and looking fabulous so that you can continue to cherish these beloved items. To ensure your jewellery maintains its pristine condition for years to come, follow these essential guidelines on how to look after your jewellery.

Keep It Clean

How to Look After Your Jewellery

It will probably come as no surprise that the dirt and debris of everyday life can build up on jewellery. Whether it’s sweat, makeup, lotions, cleaning products or dirt from gardening or outdoor pursuits there are plenty of substances that come into contact with our jewellery on a daily basis that, over time, can cause damage and erode jewellery, dulling its shine and damaging precious metals and stones.

You can clean jewellery with warm water and a gentle, fragrance-free liquid soap that doesn’t contain moisturisers or harsh chemicals. Use a soft cloth or soft-bristled brush to help get grime out of any crevices but don’t be tempted to leave your jewellery to soak as this can affect softer gems.

You should also try to avoid wearing your jewellery in situations where it could be exposed to harsh chemicals, such as when swimming or doing housework and think carefully before wearing jewellery to the beach, where it can be damaged by a whole host of things, including direct sunlight, sunscreen, sand and saltwater.

Proper Storage

How to Look After Your Jewellery

Whether you’re at home or travelling, having proper storage for your pieces can reduce the risk of them being knocked and tarnished or becoming tangled and suffering damage.

For everyday items, a jewellery stand or dish works well as this allows you to easily see pieces and grab them as you get ready for your day. For more precious pieces that you’d wear for a special occasion, a jewellery drawer with dividers or a jewellery box might be a better option. Ensure that wherever you store your jewellery is clean and dry, and avoid areas that are prone to humidity, for example, bathrooms and windowsills.

Necklaces are one of the items most likely to become damaged from improper storage as they can easily become tangled with themselves or other pieces of jewellery, therefore items such as diamond necklaces should always be stored separately.

Insure It

How to Look After Your Jewellery

If you’ve got high-value pieces stored at home or you plan to take your jewellery with you when you travel, it’s well worth taking out specific insurance that can help you to recover the costs of your jewellery or have it repaired, should the worst happen during your trip and your jewellery be lost, damaged or stolen.

Bear in mind that your home insurance or travel insurance will only cover your jewellery under certain conditions and usually only certain pieces up to a fixed amount so be clear about the cover you already have in place and upgrade your policies or take out specific cover if needed.

Enlist Professionals

How to Look After Your Jewellery

If a stone comes loose, or there’s encrusted dirt that you just can’t seem to get rid of at home, then it might be time to look for a reputable jewellery expert who can help you with anything from cleaning and resizing to remodelling or repurposing your jewellery. Enlisting the advice and technical expertise of a trusted jeweller removes the risk of you accidentally damaging your jewellery with a DIY effort and means your jewellery will be in safe hands until it’s returned to you looking better than ever.

Benefits of Caring for Your Jewellery

How to Look After Your Jewellery

Of course, taking the proper precautions to protect your jewellery can help keep them clean and safe from harm, but it can also help in other ways. Wearing polished and well-maintained jewellery will help to elevate your look and style far more than wearing jewellery that may not have had the same attention paid to it, and it’s well documented that feeling that we look good helps us to feel good too.

As well as this, taking the time and attention to properly look after your belongings could mean that you’re able to pass them down to younger generations when the time comes, as they’ll still be almost as beautiful as the day you got them. This can create a beautiful family tradition and allow your loved ones to pass on their memories, and a piece of you, to help keep the family history alive and well.

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